§ 18-21. City to pay for assessments against parkways for pavement or sewers.  

Latest version.
  • Whenever parks or parkways occupy a portion of a street or extend along the center of a street and a pavement or sewer is ordered within or upon such street, no assessment shall be made upon or against said park or parkway for the cost of such sewer or pavement except in the event that the total width of the paved portion of any such street is greater than thirty-six (36) feet, exclusive of such park or parkway, then the cost of the pavement over and above the cost of a pavement thirty-six (36) feet in width and the cost of extra curbing along said park or parkway shall be assessed to and paid by the city of Syracuse.

(N.Y. Laws 1905, Ch. 684, § 19-a; N.Y. Laws 1921, Ch. 28, § 1)