§ 18-32. Use of moneys realized from local assessments authorized between July 1, 1944 and March 1, 1957, or from property sales for nonpayment of same.  

Latest version.
  • Notwithstanding the provisions of any general law, special act or local law inconsistent herewith, all moneys realized from assessments made for or on account of any local improvement authorized by the city or its officers on or subsequent to July 1, 1944, and prior to March 1, 1957, or from sales of property for nonpayment of such assessments, shall be used for defraying the cost of such improvement and the payment of notes or bonds or certificates of indebtedness or other obligations issued on account thereof. Certificates of indebtedness or other obligations issued on account of any such improvement on or after July 1, 1944, which could have been validly issued for a local improvement prior to July 1, 1944; are hereby authorized, validated, ratified and confirmed.

(N.Y. Laws 1905, Ch. 684, § 28-a; N.Y. Laws 1957, Ch. 669, § 1)