§ 5-31. Repair or removal of unsafe buildings.  

Latest version.
  • Every building or part thereof which shall be deemed to be specially dangerous, by reason of bad condition of walls, overloaded floors, defective construction, lack of guards or precautionary measures against fire, or other causes, shall be held to be unsafe; and the commissioner or superintendent of building shall notify the owner or lessee to cause the same to be repaired, and shall also affix a notice of the dangerous character of the structure in a conspicuous place on the exterior wall of such building and no person shall remove or deface such notice so affixed. The owner or party having an interest in such unsafe building or structure upon being notified thereof in writing shall immediately cause the same to be made safe and secure, and if any such building shall be used for any purpose requiring a license therefor, the mayor may revoke said license on neglect of the owner to comply with the notice served as herein provided. Where the public safety requires immediate action, the commissioner or superintendent of building may enter upon the premises, with such assistance as may be necessary, and cause the said structure to be made secure or taken down without delay, at the expense of such owner or party interested.

(N.Y. Laws 1905, Ch. 685, § 31)