§ 20-30. Right of city to supply water to landowners along conduits from Skaneateles Lake; rates, charges, etc. for same.  

Latest version.
  • Upon the written request of the owners of lands through which pass the conduits and pipes which convey water from Skaneateles Lake to the City of Syracuse, and upon the written approval of such request by the superintendent of the bureau of water of such city endorsed thereon, the board of estimate and apportionment of the city, in its discretion, may determine that water, if any, not required for the inhabitants of the city, shall be supplied to said persons, but such privilege may be revoked or suspended by such board of estimate and apportionment at any time. If such determination be made, the city, by its bureau of water, shall make the connection with the conduits and the expenses thereof shall be paid by the petitioner. No such connection or tap shall exceed one inch diameter. The expense of tapping said conduit line and making the necessary connections shall be borne by the petitioner who shall also pay to the city for the water supplied, such rates or charges as the board of estimate and apportionment may fix, not less, however, than fifty (50) per centum more than the amounts charged by the city to persons using water within the city. Meters for measuring the quantity of water taken under this act shall be installed in such places and in such manner as the superintendent of the bureau of water may direct and such superintendent may make reasonable rules and regulations respecting the kind and installation of meters, the maximum quantity of water to be taken and any other matter necessary for the protection of the city. The board of estimate and apportionment may require the petitioner to give a bond to the city, approved as to form by the corporation counsel and as to amount and sureties by the mayor, conditioned for the payment to the city on demand, of the amount to be expended for tapping the conduit line and making connection and for the payment when due of the rates or charges for the use of such water, and to insure compliance with the rules and regulations of the superintendent of the bureau of water under this act [article].

(N.Y. Laws 1906, Ch. 631, § 2-c; N.Y. Laws 1923, Ch. 271, § 1)