§ 20-34. Use of moneys derived from water systems, franchises, etc.  

Latest version.
  • All moneys and revenues derived from or on account of said system of waterworks or water supplied therefrom or water department or from other property, rights, privileges or franchises owned, used or connected with said water system or water department shall be devoted: First, to the payment of the necessary cost of the operation, management and maintenance of said system and department; second, to the payment of all sums of interest when and as the same shall become due and payable upon any bonds or obligations issued on account thereof; third, to the payment of the cost of necessary additions and extensions; fourth, to the payment of the bonds issued on account of the acquisition, construction, or extension of said system of waterworks, as they mature annually in each fiscal year. After all such obligations have been paid and discharged, if there shall remain any surplus of income, exclusive of surplus heretofore accrued, such remaining surplus may be used as otherwise provided by law.

(N.Y. Laws 1906, Ch. 631, § 6; L.L. No. 18-1946, § 1)